Restoration Target: Summer 2018
The circa 1830's Mayes Burton Barn at Hereford High School has suffered in recent decades due to the effects of weather and lack of funding to support maintenance and repairs.  Its original hand hewn beams and period construction techniques still exist but are in danger of being lost forever without stabilization and preservation.

Once restored,  the barn will be used to house livestock and related agricultural supplies in support of the 200+ students at Hereford High who represent the only remaining Agriscience Educational Program in the Baltimore County Public School System.  This barn is a prominent monument to Northern Baltimore County’s deep and continuous agricultural heritage stretching back to its earliest pre-revolution inhabitants.

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Our Goals
The restored barn will be used to house livestock and related supplies.

Supporting the only remaining Agriscience Program in the Baltimore County Public School System.
As a Baltimore County Landmark Structure, the barn is legally protected
and restoration must be a priority. 

​These early barns are continuing to rapidly disappear from the region.
All donations will be used exlusively for the preservation and renovation of the Mayes Burton Barn
at Hereford High School, in support of their growing Agriscience Program.   

Donations are tax deductable, but please consult with your accountant as individual circumstances vary.
The Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County (PABC) is the preeminent county-wide
501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving Baltimore County's
unique heritage of historic buildings, sites, towns and neighborhoods.

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